Exhibit A---Lil Man and Daddy were playing a game of battleship while I was making dinner.
Daddy: "J 4"
Lil MAn: "Hit, I know why you keep getting those hits, it's because I have all my ships in a line!"
Mommy: "Lil Man you aren't supposed to tell Daddy where they are, it makes it a little easier for him to guess."
Lil Man:"Oh...Daddy, can you just forget I said that?"
Needless to say, Daddy won that round.
Ehibit B--During his prayers this morning he was going through his typical list of "thankfuls" and "please bless that" and then suddenly my ears perked up, "Please bless us tonight that we won't be attacked by tigers in our beds while we are asleep" HUH!!?? Is this something that happens regularly?
Exhibit C--We walked down the street to play with some friends out side (I love Sunny Days!!!) and one of them walked out with a bowl full of change. She started telling us how she was charging her family coins for their entrance into their living room (this chick had alot of change in that bowl). All Lil Man had to say was "GREAT! Now all you have to do is pay your tithing then you can get whatever you want!" This girl isn't a member of the church so she asked what he was talking about so he proceeded to tell her what tithing is and why she needs to pay them. When she said she didn't want to give her money to the church because she didn't go to church Lil Man said "That's ok you can come with me...or you can just pay your money so I can keep going to church." Ha, how could you argue with that!!!
How could you not LOVE this kid!! :)