Monday, May 18, 2009

Spring Cleaning

So, one of the benefits of having this fancy schmancy new car is that my husbands inner guy-pride has been reignited and he wants it to always be shiny. It's great because while he is making that one shiny he feels guilty and wants mine to be shiny too! Even though the Toyota had been washed a total of never in the past, oh I'd say 3 years, it has been bathed 3 times in the last month thanks to the Volvo! Inside and out...*sigh*...I am beginning to understand the meaning of true love when I am not the only one who has to dig all the cheerios/goldfish/apple cores/legos/matchbox cars/french fries/straws/stickers/checkers/crayons...etc. out of the car seats, I now have 2 fabulously handsome strapping young men to do it for me! I know you are all jealous...I love how Lil Man looks so dang hapy cleaning the car, why can't he be that excited to clean up the toy room? Is it a testosterone thing?

A day or two later I asked Lil man to clean up the toys in the back yard, this is what I saw ten minutes later. Apparently I was not quite specific enough. He'd gathered up all his toys (including his old tricycle from underneath the deck), put them into his mini wading pool and hosed them off. Admittedly they all probably needed a good scrubbing, especially the soccer net ???, how great that he decided to help me out like that! Too bad he got 100% drenched in the process and created a mud puddle that could drown a brontasaurus or whatever it is that dinosaur is called these days :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Me "Lil Man can I have my good night loves?"
Lil Man "Just a minute I need to find Suggy"
Me "But I really need some love!"
Lil Man "You'll be fine until I find Suggy"
Me "Man, do you love Suggy more than me?!?"
Lil Man "Welllll (finger to lips, eyes looking up to the ceiling).....I think it's about the same love for both of you...maybe a little bit more Suggy because he would let me have ice cream everyday for breakfast if I asked him"

Ask and you shall receive the truth, and man does it hurt. I have been surpassed by a smelly, ratty, ugly, probably carrying every germ known to man and some yet to be discovered, stuffed dog. He even makes Suggy snacks. What goes better with water than propane? Nothing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Reuse and Recycle

My son cares about the some degree. Ok maybe not, he may have just inherited the Loosli keep-it-all gene. He always wants to keep every box, container, wrapping, etc to "do a craft later", But somehow it all seems to just pile up until I throw it away. Here is the result of his latest plee for a corn flake box (apparently they have feelings too):
This my friends is a Super Halo-Optic 100 plus 8 blaster. Cool name huh?
This too can be yours, all you need to do it get a cereal box...Cut it up (making sure to cut what you don't really need into about 1 million pieces), then attach it to your arm by wrapping scotch tape 37 times all the way around until your circulation is almost cut off but not quite. For the record my son is not high or drunk, he just has the Thomas knack for making weird eyes/blinking in EVERY picture.

This last pic shows the afermath of his escapades. To me it looks like a whole lotta mess for a 3x8 inch piece of cardbaord to strap on your arm...but to him it was the coolest invention EvEr and that definitely counts for something. Please link me to pictures that you take of your own Super Halo-Optic 100 plus 8 blaster...I know you will all be making them . The patent is pending...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Caterpillars...friend or foe?

*Caution....RAndom Post!*

So we have had a couple caterpillar run -in's this month, one good and one a little creepy. First run-in was the day before Easter. Lil Man found this cute little furry guy at grandma's house. He was excited to show his cousins his new little friend, so we made him a little home with the understanding that after the cousins came the next day we would let Mr Wiggles go find his family. The next day when the whole family got together for lunch Lil Man pulled all the cousins aside to introduce them, but lo and behold Mr Wiggles had already spun himself into a comfy cocoon (chrysalis? I always get them mixed up). So, unable to "let him go", and due to Lil Man's belief that Grandma could definitely not take care of him (he said "Are you kidding mom! She will just throw him away or feed him to the neighbors cat!" ???? not really sure where that came from) Mr Wiggles was packed up into the car for the 2 hour drive back to our house. Time went on and Mr Wiggles was not changing into Mr Flutters so now it was 4 weeks later and I decided to quietly dispose of the carcass in the habitat while Lil Man was at a friends house. I opened the top to dump it out and a brown furry thing flapped into my
face!! Scared the begee-bees outta me, but luckily he landed back into the container so I could show Lil Man and now you! :)
Since we let him go there have been many, many in sobbing about him not being on our kitchen counter anymore. You would think we had a dog and it got run over, twice. He finally decided it was ok tonight and said, "I can probably find another caterpillar to hatch, but it sure won't be the same as Mr Wiggles. " Really? Because I'm pretty sure it would be.
Our second run in was a little more disturbing. You know when you come upon one caterpillar it's cute and fun to look at and hold...have you ever seen a whole nest of them crawling all over each other and half eaten caterpillars??? Well, now you can say you have! I am no National Geographic camera-man, and I was half climbing a tree while filming this so I'm not really giving you the full effect of this thing, but still.... You are ALL Welcome!!!!! :)
(ps you can pause the music on the right so that it doesn't clash with the audio! )