Monday, March 30, 2009

Battleship and Odd requests...

I LOVE my kid! He is always full of random comments some funny, some odd, and some extremely sweet. I would give anything to hear/see what is going on inside his head to make him say those things. Today there were a few examples of this phenomenon....

Exhibit A---Lil Man and Daddy were playing a game of battleship while I was making dinner.

Daddy: "J 4"
Lil MAn: "Hit, I know why you keep getting those hits, it's because I have all my ships in a line!"
Mommy: "Lil Man you aren't supposed to tell Daddy where they are, it makes it a little easier for him to guess."
Lil Man:"Oh...Daddy, can you just forget I said that?"

Needless to say, Daddy won that round.

Ehibit B--During his prayers this morning he was going through his typical list of "thankfuls" and "please bless that" and then suddenly my ears perked up, "Please bless us tonight that we won't be attacked by tigers in our beds while we are asleep" HUH!!?? Is this something that happens regularly?

Exhibit C--We walked down the street to play with some friends out side (I love Sunny Days!!!) and one of them walked out with a bowl full of change. She started telling us how she was charging her family coins for their entrance into their living room (this chick had alot of change in that bowl). All Lil Man had to say was "GREAT! Now all you have to do is pay your tithing then you can get whatever you want!" This girl isn't a member of the church so she asked what he was talking about so he proceeded to tell her what tithing is and why she needs to pay them. When she said she didn't want to give her money to the church because she didn't go to church Lil Man said "That's ok you can come with me...or you can just pay your money so I can keep going to church." Ha, how could you argue with that!!!

How could you not LOVE this kid!! :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Our New Arrival...

So , today we welcomed a new family member into our lives. She is cute and quiet and we are so glad she is here!!!! Coulter loves her, Sterling AdoRes her and just can't get enough of her. We haven't decided on a name yet but as soon as we do we'll let you know. We have waited a long time for this and she is perfect. She never makes a peep, she's pretty fiesty, she is smooth and soft, and extremely ShINy!!!!
Did I mention our new arrival is a car???? :) So our green honda finally kicked the bucket (after 12 years and almost 200,000 miles) so we caved and decided to get a new car. After 4 years of no car payment we are back to wearing the leash again....ugh!!! Gerta will be sorely missed..but our new lil girl is MUCH more fun to drive. :)

Here she is...can't you just smell the "new car" smell?:

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ready or Not...

So here we are FinAllY joining the wonderful world of blogging. And I know you will all (and by "you all" I mean you Linda, because you are the only one that knows I have this!) be surprised at this but I have nothing interesting to say! :) So let's not have any high expectations of excitement and/or grandeur ok? Hopefully once in a while we'll have something to say...but no promises!!! :)

So today Lil man would not respond to his name. All day long he was Bobba Fett, Spiderman and finally He-Man (by the Power of Gray Skull!!). I was fighting off lasers, spiderwebs and magical swords all day, and that can be tiring.
"Lil man can you put your dishes in the sink?"...silence...
"Lil Man?"...silence...
"LIL MAN???"...
"Lil Man is not going to answer he isn't here, I am He-Man and I do NOT put away dishes, my muscles would just break them or throw them through the sink so I think you better do it".

What would it be like, to be able to do that?

"Charisse did you get the Census done?"...silence...
"Charisse is not going to answer she isn't here, I am She-ra and I do NOT do reports because my sword would rip them or my lazer vision would burn a hole in them so I think you better go ahead and do them. Just tell the Federal Government to keep their money this year..."

How do you think that would play out?