Anyway, let's bounce back again and meet some of the grooviest people around Uncle Austin, Aunt Katherine, and our hero's cousins Jayde, Simone, and Haven..they rocked our summer! This fantabulous five-som invited us to go on an adventure with them to The Outer Banks for an entire entire week in a a fancy house right on the beach with a million bedrooms, 3 huge jacuzzi tubs, pool, heck this place even had an elevator! (never mind that the mom's had a tricky time figuring it out) We felt extremely spoiled!!!
We arrived at the beach late at night, and immediately got stuck on the one road leading to the house. We were beginning to get annoyed until we saw a helicopter lift off from the road and med-evac (what we learned later to be) 2 people. Scary start huh? Don't worry it was all happy happy joy joy once we got to the house. In order to preserve memories but not bore the crap out of you I will attempt to summarize each day in Limerick format...Ready???
Day 1:
There once were some kids at the beachy
Not burned yet their skin still looked peachy
In the pool most they played
O'er the sand the wind stayed
So the Ocean they didn't quite reachy.
(it was REALLY windy which made us not want to deal with sand in eyes and complaints of the cold...we walked on the sand but didn't dive in! Lego's and Bakugan kept them entertained as well!) 

Day 2:
Next the kids jumped into the Atlantic
It was warm, and alive and "GIGANTIC"
Catching crabs great fun (the crawl on the beach kind)
From the waves they did RUN
When caught crabs disappeared they were frantic!!
(Jayde caught a little crab and made it a home but unfortunately in the night some hungry animal came onto the deck and ate the meat of the crab leaving the bottom of the shell with all the legs still attached!! Not a happy camper. We also attempted to teach the
kids how to play badmitten...epic fail)

Day 3:
On this day kids and dads went to town
To see just who could win a race crown
Round the track we all drove
Played putt-putt on the cove
This they did while the sun beat them down!
(Ok it was defintiely 1 million degrees this day and we felt it on the slick track and the golf course...after burning our hands on the seat belts from the cars and playing 9 holes on a course completely devoid of ANY shade or relief from the sun the kids were more than happy to bow ut early and hit the pool again. Seriously who builds a mini golf course in the Outer Banks that has no shade?!?!?! Shameful, but I digress...)

Day 4:
On Thursday was more fun in the sand
We built "farms" (or as I call them, remand)
Buckets full of the sludge
Mussels needed a nudge
And some beetles that would burrow in our hands
(these little guys were weird and hard to catch, but Coulter and Jayde spent like 5 hours total this day digging in the sand looking for them. They were really sweet (and I say that subjectively) and made Simone a farm since she had been traumatized by the water on an earlier date. We also had a funtime baby-sitting the cousins while Aunt and Uncle Awesome went on a date. It was spaghetti night and Haven found it especially enjoyable) 

Day 5:
Nature Centers are really hip scenes
With bamboo we all fished for marine (life)
Kids got bored on the dock
Picked at poop from the flock
Then watched UP on the really big screen
(these are getting gooberier and gooberier...sorry. Anyway this day we went to a clinic about fishing, dodged about 2,000 piles of goose poo, and then went to see UP at the theatre. It was perfect timing! As the movie started, outside it poured rain and continued throughout the whole thing...but miraculously as the movie ended so did the rain!! So, we were able to spend our last night at the beach. Don't you love it when that happens??)

Playing Rock Band 2 with the kids was a trip!!!
Apples to Apples and Pass the Pigs won the kids hearts
Lil Man Learned how to body surf...after multiple face plants and near drownings he got really good at it.Simone found spikey weed balls on the deck and christened them puffer fish :)
The fudgery was AMAZING!!!!
Lil Man braved the pool with just life jacket!
Lil Man jumped into the pool by himself for the first time!! (technically I had to bribe him with a dollar but that is beside the point)
The souvenirs that the kids picked were not neccessarily beach related...Coulter chose a jet and a submarine that runs on bakg soda. Ironically he chose rings with a beach scene in them for his frinds souvenirs??? Odd...
All three kids could have had their own room in that massive house, but they chose to sleep all in one room with bunkbeds...really cute that they wanted to be all together.
All in all the kids were FABULOUS with each other...we had maybe one or two minor scuffles after 5 days of sleep deprivation, but they were nice and friendly and happy 9/10ths of the time and what more can a mommy ask for on vacation???
OK I know this hasn't been my brightest moment in blogging, but I did it anyway! I gotta be me right? :) Thanks SOOOOOOOOO much Fabulous Five-som for making our summer start out with a huge bang! Hopefully next time we get to spoil you rotten the way you did for us. You are the best!!
Love your limmirck. Poor crab that gotten eaten. So how many times did you guys watch UP? I lost count....
ReplyDeleteUmmm...just once, did I write it a bunch of times?
ReplyDeleteSo fun reading this post. It was a fun trip but mostly because you guys made it so fun. Sure wish I was there right now.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I was digging the rhymes also. Is there anything you can't do?
Hey there tootse! I was reading this post and there weren't any pictures on my screen. Landon comes up and hears Eye of the Tiger and asks if I'm looking at Coulter and Reese's page! He'll forever associate that song with buddy boy (who he misses terribly by the way!)!! We miss you and love you tons!!!