Anyway because it has been forever since I have posted I figured I would take you back in time to where I left off and fill you in on life up until now (my goal is one a day for the next few days, but I know myself and am not sure it will happen). So strap in because we are goin' for it!
We left our hero (Lil Man of course) in preschool with just a few short weeks left until his time there was finished. Imagine if you will a week full of celebrating teachers and showing them appreciation, so Lil Man and I decided to do just that. We never shy away from a craft opportunity! On Monday we gave them a frame with a cute teacher quote inside:

OK next.....Well I must admit it has been too long and I didn't take a pic of the second gift so, if I told one of you what we did please let me know and I will add it in here. Yes I know I am lame.
On the last day Lil Man made super cute flowers with scrapbook paper and pipcleaners and we wrapped them around chocolate dippend pretzels we made. It was so cute! We put them in a tin bucket that I punched holes in around the top and strung a ribbon through...please just imagine it with me because again no pics (again, yes I know I'm lame). The best part of the flowers were the leafs that Lil Man cut out and I wrote quotes on. Throughout the year I had written down little things he had said about school and such and those are what I put on the leaves. Here are my favorites:
"Sometimes I think my teachers are smarter than Yoda"
"How do my teachers always know how to teach lessons? Is there a class for that or something?" "School makes me wanna dance...but not at school because there we are supposed to sit nicely"
"Snack time is the best part of school because it is yumalicious, even the fruit parts"
"Art things are fun to color and glue and put things on other things, but the best part is to just wash your hands at the end because man they get slimy" (Man is he a Thomas!!!)
But my favorite of all favorites is "My teachers like to teach kids how to do things except for how to fight ninjas, but I think that is because there are no ninjas at my school." Hmmmmmm...
All in all it was fun to try and spoil the teachers for one week, because heaven knows our teachers don't get enough love from their paychecks!
Fast forward a couple of weeks to graduation day!! I tell ya, nuthin tugs at the heart like a bunch of lil ones pushing and shoving each other to be seen by their parents cameras. The kids sang a few songs (Tingalaya will be forever burned into my brain),

then they called their names to walk across the stage and receive their diploma. I would have been crying huge tears like a baby, and I was close. But just as I was about to squirt some my son turned quickly to say something to his friend behind him and whipped himself in the eye with his tassles so he spent the next song trying to blink out the pain. Oh yeah, and he also said (rather loudly) to that same friend that their diplomas were "more than completely awesome because we can make them into lightsabers later to battle", man do school gyms echo.....

All in all it was a fun night and Lil Man was so proud that he did it. Lastly, he asked a few moms for their phone numbers, he said it was so he could call his friends to play over the summer, but you never know! We are a little sad that most of his friends will be going to a different elementary school when the start the big K-word, but I guess that is what we

So we will just look at is as a new opportunity to make new friends right!!!??? Man is this kid's mom nervous.
So if you are still reading this that is it for this time travel adventure, and hopefully I will see you tomorrow with another installment...let's just say it involves water, balls, shovels, and rashes in places that there should not be rashes!!
ps, for some reason I am having issues with the formatting, but it is too late and I am too tired to care. :) Hope you all can survive the visual eye scraping.
Yay, you *finally* posted! Now you can be in the cool club again.... but only if you post every day for the next week. ok, actually you'll always be in my cool club ;) Loved all the C-man school quotes! you could write a comic book with all of his silly sayings.