Sunday, August 16, 2009

I married Superman!!!

Did you get that? I did I promise! And I have proof...for the last few months Sterling has been training (A LOT) to do a triathlon with his buddy Kurt. So much training in fact that Kurt's wife Linda and I had to create the WoTA support group, (the Wives of Triathletes Anonymous) to help each other survive. We pulled through it all no worse for the wear and the guys were AweSomE!!!
Linda, her three boys, Lil Man, Max, and I all parked our booties next to the route with our posters and snacks to cheer on our stud muffins. It was a little tricky to pick out our two guys in the sea of sweat and spandex, but we did spot them at each transition and attempted to get some pics/video as they breezed past.

First off was the swim: Sterling and Kurt were in the Novice wave of athletes so they started 20 minutes after the super-mega-live-only-for-races-Olympic-racers. They got a little nervous watching as 2 of those racers were coming into the docks before their heat began (that means swimming a full mile in under 20 minutes...are you kidding me!?!) but they were chugging down the Goo and ready and rarin' when they heard the airhorn signaling their start. Unfortunately Sterling has a habit of trash-talking and it got him into a HUGE brawl with another swimmer in his group and he ended up with a bloody nose...ok really in the swimming portion of the race it is a mass of bodies kicking and paddling for their lives and Sterling got kicked in the face about 300 meters in (3-4 minutes in, nice start eh?). But did that stop him? No way! Superman would never let a bloody nose and massive headache stop him so neither did Sterling...onward and upward to the next leg!

Biking!! This is My man's favorite. No injuries were sustained in this part of the race, but I do have to brag about what a great guy he is. The biking leg of the race is 25 miles, at around 15 miles Sterling saw a guy who had blown a tire and was WALKING, carrying his bike the last 10 miles back to the transition area. My Uber Man of a hubby not only stopped to help him, but gave him his pump and his own spare tube! A regular modern day Samaritan huh? Enough bragging by me, he's gonna get all embarrassed :)

Last was the running leg of the race. This consisted of a 10k going along country roads (watchin out for cow patties) with many, many hills. Not my idea of a good time but he loved it. Luckily they ran past us at the halfway point so we got to hold up our signs again to cheer him on and grab a high five. And then the finish line...YEah DaddY!! (see I told you I had proof! And I defy any of you to try to get a better video while holding a puppies leash that is trying to run away, ans also holding onto a 5 yr old that is trying to get away in the opposite direction)

We has so much fun with our great friends the Olssons, thanks for putting up with us guys!! The boonies just wouldn't have been the same without you...

We'll share more pics and such of other events of the trip, but for now it's all about our FanTabUlous Daddy and his dedication and perseverance! We are sooooooooooo proud of you daddy!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Heeeeeeere fishy, fishy, fishy!

Last summer Lil man was a bit...let's just say nervous, about swimming. It typically involved a life jacket, a kickboard, my arm, goggles, and the top step covered in only a foot of water. I just kept hoping the fear would go away with extended and repeated exposure but no such luck. Then this summer hit. First attempt at the beach (as previously mentioned) he suprised me by not only getting in himself with only a life jacket, he also juMpeD in from the side!!! Granted he jumped because I promised him a dollar and he'll do just about anything for a dollar, but he still did it.
Then lately we have been going to the neighborhood pool and he has really come out of his swimming's fantabulous! He suddenly wanted to be wandering around the pool without any flotaion devices, he stayed pretty close to the edge and only in the shallow end but still...then he stared venturing away from the wall...and suddenly one day I got this:

Then last week he grew uber brave and did this (about 100 times):

He was doing cannonballs, pencils, can openers, and "super hero twist flops" C'mon, admit it, THAT is pretty awesome that Lil man is jumping off the board into 12 FEET of water, and not only that but he is pausing mid jump to pose for photos. I lub him!!!!!

So, did any of you get the Sesame Street reference there in the title? If not go here and pay special attention to around 1:06 of the clip, yes I know I am random.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Future Public Speaker (unlike mommy)

Lil Man was assigned to give a talk in church and he took it VERY seriously. He has given talks before but has never wanted to be so completely independant when doing it (as in "Mom this is my talk not yours so I need you to give me some space to type" and "Why are you telling me what to write? I know what my brain wants to say"). He wrote the whole thing himself, looked up statistics on the computer, found pictures he wanted to use, and when there wasn't a picture he was looking for he just drew one. He did ask me if I would hold his pictures for him during the actual talk since he thought it would be hard to find his place if he had to keep track of the pictures too, however he was VERY specific about how to hold them and which words in the talk were my cue to change pictures. Lil man insisted we practise at least 10 times before church on sunday morning to make sure I wouldn't mess up (I think I did pretty well considering the pressure he was putting on me). He did a fantabulous job giving his talk complete with dramatic pauses and gestures toward the pictures being referenced, and he only swallowed the mic one time. I was the proud mommy up there with him yesterday although I probably made fool of myself getting all teary eyed over a talk that lasted a minute and a half. I am so grateful that his confidence in himself is growing. This summer has really been great in that department, he has been trying new things and not getting as frustrated when they are hard or he can't do them the first time. I love it!!
Since we can't exactly videotape in church we had Lil Man re-create his talk when we got home to share with all our friends and fam that are too far to see it in person (sorry if that is weird of me :) ). By the time we taped this he was pretty much over it, ready to change out of sunday clothes, and really hungry so it isn't quite as enthusiastic as the original, but you can get the gist of it. Please excuse the screeching birds, Davis calling us, and the ring tone going on in the background I only had one take. Oh yeah, and he insisted on holding the mic, it's just not a real talk with out it. (Just pause the music on the sidebar to hear it...sorry)