Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Heeeeeeere fishy, fishy, fishy!

Last summer Lil man was a bit...let's just say nervous, about swimming. It typically involved a life jacket, a kickboard, my arm, goggles, and the top step covered in only a foot of water. I just kept hoping the fear would go away with extended and repeated exposure but no such luck. Then this summer hit. First attempt at the beach (as previously mentioned) he suprised me by not only getting in himself with only a life jacket, he also juMpeD in from the side!!! Granted he jumped because I promised him a dollar and he'll do just about anything for a dollar, but he still did it.
Then lately we have been going to the neighborhood pool and he has really come out of his swimming's fantabulous! He suddenly wanted to be wandering around the pool without any flotaion devices, he stayed pretty close to the edge and only in the shallow end but still...then he stared venturing away from the wall...and suddenly one day I got this:

Then last week he grew uber brave and did this (about 100 times):

He was doing cannonballs, pencils, can openers, and "super hero twist flops" C'mon, admit it, THAT is pretty awesome that Lil man is jumping off the board into 12 FEET of water, and not only that but he is pausing mid jump to pose for photos. I lub him!!!!!

So, did any of you get the Sesame Street reference there in the title? If not go here and pay special attention to around 1:06 of the clip, yes I know I am random.


  1. Go Coulter!! you da man! That's some awesome diving and swimming. coulter will have to give gavin a few pointers sometime. he still is terrified of large bodies of water.

  2. That's so awesome! He's amazing...and it makes the summer so much more fun! Enjoy the rest of your summer!
