My son cares about the some degree. Ok maybe not, he may have just inherited the Loosli keep-it-all gene. He always wants to keep every box, container, wrapping, etc to "do a craft later", But somehow it all seems to just pile up until I throw it away. Here is the result of his latest plee for a corn flake box (apparently they have feelings too):
This my friends is a Super Halo-Optic 100 plus 8 blaster. Cool name huh?

This too can be yours, all you need to do it get a cereal box...Cut it up (making sure to cut what you don't really need into about 1 million pieces), then attach it to your arm by wrapping scotch tape 37 times all the way around until your circulation is almost cut off but not quite. For the record my son is not high or drunk, he just has the Thomas knack for making weird eyes/blinking in EVERY picture.

This last pic shows the afermath of his escapades. To me it looks like a whole lotta mess for a 3x8 inch piece of cardbaord to strap on your arm...but to him it was the coolest invention EvEr and that definitely counts for something. Please link me to pictures that you take of your own Super Halo-Optic 100 plus 8 blaster...I know you will all be making them . The patent is pending...